Thank you for affording me the opportunity to reveal my men’s leather bag collection. Every leather bag is meticulously created in Italy, by local, Italian artisans, exclusively for “Spy Collection…Moda Uomo, A Rositani Fashion Enterprise.” I am confident that the search for your first, or next leather bag, will be rewarding. The leather bag you select, will compliment your current and future attire and daily lifestyle. Your journey for an authentic leather bag begins here and rest assured that I am always available for any questions. My promise to you is to continuously impart the same, consistent and sincere customer service, a responsibility that has been erased by high-profile bag companies. Welcome to the “Spy Collection…Moda Uomo,” a Rositani Fashion Enterprise.
My name is Rosario Rositani. Fashion has been a huge part of my life. It commenced with my parents, who are Italian immigrants and had a love for fashion. They introduced me to a world of culture and people with an eye for the extraordinary. Their love for fashion rubbed off on me. The fashion line has been a concept and a dream since my first, of yearly, summer vacations, to Italy. It was in Italy, at the age of ten, that my cousin purchased my first, Italian leather bag.
During my yearly summer trips to Italy, I gained a personal connection with Italian customs and culture, recieved my first leather bag at the age of 10 and became overwhelmed by Italian fashion. As an employee of the US Government, I had the opportunity to purchase a variety of leather bags from Italy, to use during my assignments. During one of my visits to Italy, and after benefitting from the usefulness of a leather bag, I was determined to commence a fashion line and locate the finest leather bag producer in Italy, to share with men of all ages, in the US.
My dream was put on hold to serve the United States of America via the Central Intelligence Agency. After my separation from the CIA, my services were required in Rome, for an Italian press agency, where I made amazing contacts in the fashion world. My bags are created in numerous styles, for any occasion, with my logo emblazoned on the front of each bag. The competition is intense, but everyone starts from somewhere and here I am today, achieving the concept I envisioned decades ago. Each bag has its own unique style and with that style, I created a unique name for each bag associated with spy lingo, a concept never used with any leather bag seller or maker or fashion designer and with the latter, we will undermine the competition and bring you a real leather bag, genuinely made in Italy.
As a spy or for daily wear, I donned jeans, boots, a V-neck shirt, t-shirt, or collared shirt, with different styled suit jackets, along with a leather bag. My day is complete when young men approach me to compliment my look and leather bag. My fashion line is for young and older men. In the very near future, you will have the opportunity to purchase my fashion items in our future Connecticut or NYC loft. Our bags take 4 to 6 weeks to arrive to your door, sometimes earlier. They are made per order and you can pre-order your bag today.
Purchasing from our fashion line, is investing in a leather bag that will last you a lifetime.
Investing in our children’s future and becoming a part of many charitable organizations are high on my list. We will entertain monthly fashion shows, a YouTube channel to run our shows and discuss our fashion line, with proceeds going to charities.
During my tenure, carrying a bag was an instrumental piece of accessory because my documents and other items were safely inside. The bags are made in numerous styles, for any occasion, with my logo, emblazoned on the front of each bag.
I have a few goals. To create a look that will make men happy; to create an environment where men could feel great about carrying a bag; to prove that leaving a legacy in an industry such as fashion can be attained if you believe in yourself and the products you are selling; prove to the world that dreams can be realized at any age; to create jobs for individuals of any age, race, religious beliefs here in the United States, and to provide encouragement to those individuals with the same dream of securing a spot in the world of fashion.